Welcome to Samskrit Bharti Pravesha practice of chapter One
नमो नमः सर्वेभ्यः !! Welcome you all to Saakalyam !! Saakalyam means entirety, totality and we adopted this name for our organization to reflect that we are going to work on Samskrit to create contents in all the contemporary fields that varies from religious prayer texts to Information technology topics, learning Maths in Samskrit medium to having programming language tutorials and astronomy introduction in it. We believe that to propagate Samskrit, we need to make it "आत्मनिर्भर" by creating all kind of modern contents in the language itself. As we all know, long journeys are started from initial few steps, so our first step is to help those who are willing to learn Samskritam. To begin with, we are making live one exercise with some quiz features as mentioned on user homepage of this sit. Currently, we have added exercise for Samskrit Bharti level one (Pravesha) chapter one's grammar section in form of multiple choice questions. We request you all to go through it and give us your valuable feedback. We have many other plans in pipeline, please watch this space for further announcements. We will be working to make this site multilingual and making Samskrit as default language of the site. Please register here so that you can take exercises and we can have your contact to keep you informed as we update site and add new content. To write to us, there is a "Write to us" link at the bottom of every page. धन्यवादाः